Saturday, 15 December 2018


Hey y'all
I just found out one of the fastest rising companies in Nigeria
AI Shoppy business management.
I heard about it, tried it and now love it.
I had the oppurtunity to interview the CEO of AI Shoppy and here is what he had to say about the fast rising company.
"Our main purpose is to help people with more than one branch/outlet monitor each of them like they are actually there.
With either our web app or system software, you can monitor the sales of your products in each outlet at any point in time. We store business data in our server which helps in taking stock and also  we store your sales record which you can later refer to, this includes the date, time, and customer info (this is in case a customer comes to complain about a product purchased when you were not around). If you are the type of business owner that travels a lot or your business has different outlets, you can monitor increase in sales and your profit in all your different outlets from anywhere in the world and on any device. We also send monthly reports showing your overall business performance of all outlets/branches registered under AI Shoppy.
If you own the type of business that has employed a lot of staff, you can keep track of what each of your staff is selling at any time"
Sir are you saying, AI Shoppy can not be used by stores with just one branch/outlet?
His reply went thus, "AI Shoppy can be a lot useful to them especially in the aspect of taking stock and also keeping track of sales.
Do users have to type in the products they sold?
"Our software works with a barcode scanner and receipt printer, so all you have to do it place the product in front of the scanner, the system does its work, and the receipt is printed".
"To start, visit
Or mail us :
Numbers to call are : 07019888741, 08098463359, 09096098940

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